And off we go to the show . . .

What will I wear? How will I create the right impression? What do I need to take with me? Will it be busy? What if I forget something? All these questions and more have been rattling around my brain since I booked a space at the Perth Wedding Exhibition and that was after I’d hummed and hawed about whether to book a space at all. I mean, I’ve got a lot on, I thought, what with my voluntary work and the school holidays, helping out with childcare for the grandchildren. All of it distraction from what I really should have been doing - marketing, promoting, waving “Hello, I’m here!”

I couldn’t work it out. I spent years, when I worked for John and Grant at Gillies and Mackay doing exactly that - networking, speaking, promoting. I’ve spent years in care and wellbeing, leading classes, entertaining. Well, it’s time to get back on that horse and take to the racecourse, but fortunately not as a jockey!

If you’re thinking of a wedding in the next year or two, why not come and see me and have a wee chat. Sunday 29th October, 11.30am-3.00pm, Perth Racecourse,

Now, back to the wardrobe . . .

